Ohai y'all, miss me?
I’m not calling this a heatwave. You know what I’m calling
it? I can’t even say the word… FFS
4 days over 42 degrees Celsius… FFS
Crappy air conditioning…FFS
School holidays…FFS
Luckily my little girls have such sweet natures. It isn’t
bothering them… No FFS
As part of my post-baby fitness kick I’ve taken up Pole Dancing
Fitness… No FFS
I’ve done two classes this week…No FFS
But it’s been so hot my grip is non-existent…FFS
I’m determined to climb that pole!!!
I’m also walking and using my elliptical machine…No FFS
I shame-ate myself 8kg’s after Diddy joined the world… FFS
My Boo-girl turns 5 on Monday…FFS
I’m twenty-freaking-four…FFS
She starts Big School in less than two weeks… No FFS
Diddy now rolls over, moves backwards and in circles and is
trying desperately to crawl…FFS
My house is far from babyproof…FFS
She CAN’T be nearly 5 months already can she?...FFS
She’s also learnt to SQUEAL…Motherfu….
Not the most entertaining post. Too hot to be witty…FFS?!?